Well done!

Ann from Minnesota

Thank you – It was an enjoyable read on a winter’s day.

Jeanne from Ohio.

Thank you so much for sending me a copy of your book. I really enjoyed it! Keep writing, Girl!

Emily from Minnesota

Thank you for gifting me with your newest publication! I look forward to your next book(s!) Please keep writing!

Laura from Pennsylvania

Thank you so much for the book – Nikolina’s Hope. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. It is very well done.

Jeanne from Minnesota

I felt like I got to know Nikolina and Anders very well, and empathized with their situations.

Linda from Minnesota

I finished reading Nikolina’s Hope and enjoyed it VERY much. Is book #2 coming anytime soon?

Marlene from Michigan

Thank you so much for sending me your first romantic/Christian novel! I absolutely loved Nikolina’s Hope!! This novel was so much fun to read. Nikolina was such a wonderful character.
I loved her hope throughout her life’s dealings. The successful ending is what I love to see in a book! Looking forward to reading your next novel!